What’s Happening at

Northview Gardens

Food | Music | Yoga

If you are a local business that would like to host your event at Northview Gardens, we would be happy to have you! From the area and see a public event listed below that you would like to attend? Stop by and check it out. If planning an event and would like to see if your date is available, scroll below to peek at our events calendar. Please note, we try to keep our calendar as updated as possible, but availability may be different than what our calendar shows.

To get the most up to date information, contact Rose and she will give you all the information you need.

Please Join us as We Celebrate a

10 Year Anniversary!


Friday, May 26th

VIP & Northview Gardens’ Friends 

Saturday, May 27th

Northview Gardens’ 2023 & 2024 Wedding Couples

Sunday, May 28th

Welcome Alumni Couples. 2012-2022

Events Calendar